Health Tips: 5 Tips to Help You Get Through the Day

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Do you find yourself drinking several cups of coffee, a whole pot of tea and maybe even a can of energy drinks to stay awake during the day? Stop right now!

Here are 5 easy tips to help you get through your day.

 1. Eat breakfast
You might say you’re not a breakfast person, but you need to be. The reason is called breakfast is because it’s the first meal you’ll be having when you wake up in the morning.
Food is fuel for the body. Fuel yourself with a quick breakfast of lean protein and healthy fat.

2. Take breaks
Does your job require you to sit at a desk? If yes, then you need to get away from your desk every now and again. Take a 10 minutes break away from your desk after every 90 minutes and refresh your mind.

3. Go outdoors
If you find yourself sitting indoors the whole day, step outside and grab some vitamin D from the sun. According to research, fair amounts of vitamin D have an impact on maintaining energy levels. Or you can also go outdoors to do something you love outside of your home.

4. Exercise
It's time you get into deskercise! You can do some exercise without you leaving your desk. Stretch at your desk. Stretching helps increase flexibility and blood circulation. Take the stairs rather than the lift. Try doing desk pushups: place your hands on your desk, walk backwards and push up against the desk.

5. Snack
Healthy snacking through the day is good for you. Grab a handful of nuts or raisins to help boost your blood sugar levels.

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