Dirty Common Lifestyle Habits You Should Do Away With

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Most times, there are things (habits) peculiar to people that should be left in individual spaces or practised behind closed doors and not be done where people are always present as they can feel (and most likely) extremely gross. There are habits a lot of people have that are plain disgusting especially in full glare of other people. 
Check out a list of lifestyle habits that are plain disgusting and at the very best not make way to the full glare of others:

 1. Removing food particles from mouth with your finger(s)
This is so common and doesn't take away that fact that it's plain disgusting! Picking food from your teeth/mouth in people's full glare is just a really bad habit. If there's no other option available immediately, drink water and discreetly 'rinse' the mouth with it (DISCREETLY) otherwise get proper floss and clean teeth in private.

2. Picking the nose in public!
Picking the nose at all is gross but picking it in public is worse. A habit like that should be left in the bathroom (where tissue should actually be used instead of digging in with the fingers!) and not where people are, it's not fair for anyone to watch someone else picking their nose right in front of them.

 3. Tugging at panty lines in full glare
Tugging/adjusting underwear’s in full glare of others is plain indiscipline, if an undergarment is out of place find a way to adjust it in private (discreetly). Spare people the horror of watching you tug at your privates/undergarments.

4. Talking with food in the mouth
Talking while eating is obviously bad and apart from that is plain disgusting, no one wants to see ground food mixed in saliva making their way down the stomach in someone's mouth

5. Not brushing the teeth daily
Not brushing the teeth daily is a bad habit that is not healthy and can cause breath to stink and frankly bad breath is just not alright..

6. Touching/picking at spots on your face
Touching the face exposes the face to germs, causes breakouts, acne/pimples and more and frankly why touch the face when not getting a massage or applying makeup. Picking at existing blemishes; acne pimples etc is equally a bad idea. Leave the face alone!

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