Health Tips: 5 Useful Tips to Help You Staying Fit and Active

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Feeling good can be hard work sometimes but it helps us to have a great and productive day. However, there are many ways that we can simply attain a better and nicer healthy body and feel great.
Aside from regular exercise that is a vital part of staying healthy. People who are active also live longer and feel better. Exercise in combination with other daily health habits can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent ailments. Here are 5 simple health tips to guide you:

Breakfast: Start your day with a healthy breakfast. It helps with focus and it can help you do better during the day. Whether it’s cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, or whole-wheat toast with fruit jelly, yogurt with fruit, or last night's leftovers!

Balance is key: Too much of a good thing is not good! You mustn’t give up favourite foods to eat healthy. You just have to watch how much of them you eat. A homemade pizza in moderation is always a good option. Your body needs nutrients from a variety of foods. Balancing food choices will help you get all the nutrition your body needs.

Healthy snack:  It’s good to have snacks throughout the day. They are a good way to stay alert. Choose snacks from various food groups - a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or low-fat yogurt and raisins, or some dry cereal. For cookies, chips and candy make sure to watch your portion.

Get moving: You can plan physical activities into your daily routine, at work and at home – just to stay alert. Walk, bike or jog as well. Take activity breaks every hour. Avoid watching TV for long periods. Climb stairs instead of taking an elevator. All you need is 30 minutes every day.

Eat more greens and colors: They give you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fiber for a healthy body. Try breads such as whole-wheat. For vegetables go for freshly washed salads or on a sandwich or lightly steamed.

These good health tips are simple to follow. Work them into your day and see the benefits of having more energy and a healthier body.

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