Relationships Tips: Couples With More Religious Activities Are Less Likely To Divorce

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The study was carried out by Harvard Professor, Tyler J. VanderWeele of the Harvard School of Public Health. This study says if couples manage to go to church together regularly, not only will they remain married for long, their chance of living long gets increased, too.

This study Titled, 'Religion and Health: A Synthesis,’ also reaches the conclusion that couples who attend services together are less likely to be depressed. Married couples who attend religious services are 30 to 50% less likely to get divorced than those who don’t.

There is also a 30% less likelihood of depression for couples who practice this and, over a 16-year follow-up period, are expected to have a significantly lower risk of dying.

Interestingly, the study is not just limited to a particular religion. Expression from the result says “religious service attendance is connected to better health outcomes, including longer life, lower incidence of depression, and less suicide."

So it does not matter which religion you and your partner belong to, the bottom line here is to be in it together because the practice is "associated with more specifically, with a lower likelihood of divorce."

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