Relationship Tips: Men: 7 Signs That Your Partner Needs You To Be More Romantic

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Guys go all out to woo women with all they’ve got. They send ceaseless messages, go with her on numerous fun dates, random gifts.

You are caring, pampering, attentive, and most importantly, oh so romantic.But then, along the line, when she is all yours - signed, sealed, delivered – when everything is cut and dried and you ‘have her in the bag,’ you stop trying… you stop making real efforts

At this stage, you are no longer so concerned about doing the little romantic things that used to blow her mind. You are more about making money, grabbing the big deals and basically just about ‘taking care of her’.

But are you really taking care of her?

For most women, relationships need to be balanced. You just can’t be all about their financial comfort to the detriment of their emotional well-being. So your partner ever exhibits the subtle signs listed below with any form of regularity, your relationship might have gotten to a point of reevaluation and resetting of priorities.

1. She tells you how romantic her friend’s partner is: She tells you about every romantic thing the partners of her friends have been doing lately.

2. She frequently finds online articles and stories about romantic stuff people do, and sends them to you.

3. What’s the rush about?: If your partner asks you this question when you spend time together, it means she needs more of you, and you better create more time for her.

4. Let’s not talk about work tonight: When this becomes a frequent response your wife/babe gives you, it means your communication is starting to get a little too one-dimensional.

5. She reminds you a lot about when you just met: You know… the good old days… when you were more romantic, fitter and paid more attention to her and not just ‘taking care and providing for her needs.’

6. She is trying to drag out foreplay: This is a clue to let you know that you are no longer the attentive, painstaking, thorough partner you used to be. She needs that part of you back.Reawaken it, ASAP.

7. Let’s not talk about work tonight: When this becomes a frequent response your wife/babe gives you, it means your communication is starting to get a little too one-dimensional.

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